One of my favorite Wally memories was how he LOVED to open presents. He would attack the presents and shake them in his teeth until he had loosened the paper. He would throw the package and jump on it and start again. It was hilarious! He also knew it was better to give than receive, so we always got great gifts from him for our birthdays- he was a great shopper!
Monday, December 31, 2007
The Passing of a Legend
One of my favorite Wally memories was how he LOVED to open presents. He would attack the presents and shake them in his teeth until he had loosened the paper. He would throw the package and jump on it and start again. It was hilarious! He also knew it was better to give than receive, so we always got great gifts from him for our birthdays- he was a great shopper!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
To our Connecticut-ians
Our other serenading today has come from Jenna singing "Glo-o-o-oria, Please let Chelsea stay, oh, glo-o-o-o-ria, please let Chelsea stay, oh." I hope it's a bit quieter where you are!
We love you!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Nine months makes all the difference
(Does anyone know how to rotate a picture once it is on here?)
Lydia is such a happy girl! She brings light to our family and makes everyone smile. She has the sweetest giggle and smile!
She is a busy girl as she rolls all over and tries to crawl. I am sure she will be all the way there by New Years- hopefully we will have the tree put away by then. She would love to get her hands on it.
Another fun thing is her new awareness of everything around her. She loves lights and sounds. When we go into a store or church or places like that, she can't get enough of the lights and everything going on. She smiles and laughs and tells us all about it!
I can't imagine our family without this precious girl!
We love you Lydie!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Family Christmas party
She was so smiley! She wasn't scared at all!
What a laid-back baby!
The girls got little Dora play sets from Santa. They played so cute together that I had to get it on film for proof!
Christmas dresses
This is Sunday after church. We had a hard time getting all three to smile in the same picture, so I have lots. Here are a few of my favorites.
We got 10 inches of snow on Saturday, so we went outside for a white backdrop. It was so cold, but so beautiful!
Festival of Trees
We also have a nephew who was born with some serious heart problems who has spent quite a bit of time at PCMC. We really appreciate the dedication of the volunteers who work so hard to raise money to provide care for all children, no matter what. My girls have been to PCMC many times to visit their cousin, so they have some idea of why they have the Festival.
If you have never been to the Festival of Trees, please try to go next year. You won't be disappointed!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I have been tagged (a few times)
1. I have three sisters and three daughters (and three sisters-in-law, come to think of it.)
My husband is convinced that my mom taught us some voodoo or something to only have baby girls. True, I have only one nephew on my side of the family, but there was no trick involved.
2. I was the president of the Future Homemakers of America and the Home Ec Sterling scholar in high school and now my house usually looks like a bomb went off. It was easier to multi-task, cook, clean, and be crafty before I had kids. Now most of those things get done, but cleaning is last on my list. Sorry, honey.
3. I know that "On the 13th day of January 1851, the seeds of earth awaited birth beneath the desert sun. Into that frozen valley (Parowan) came a hearty Mormon band...etc...sage and grease wood stir a pie (or up high), a lake of salt and alkali, Indians called it Parowan, evil waters, bad for man. That's for Val and Lacie...
4. Here's a shocker- I tend to take on more than I should and have a hard time saying NO when people ask for something. Luckily, I work best under pressure and everything turns out OK.
5. I once plunged into the ocean in a para sailing mishap.
6. In my life I have been a cub, a bruin, a Bengal, a Rebel, and a badger, but I will always be a Ute!
So there you have it.
Here are the rules: 1. Each person list 6 facts/habits about themselves. 2. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, and then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for the rules.
I am tagging Ali, Lisa, Emily, April, Tara, and Kat
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
From the mouth of babes...
Jenna: Mom, did you know I am on fall break?
Mom: Yes, Jenna.
Aubrey (muttering in the back ground) I don't like fall break.
Jenna: I can't wait till November 12th, so I can go back to school.
Aubrey: (a bit louder this time) Me neither, so I can play with all of your stuff while you're gone!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Haunting
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Girl in a Whirl
The Girl in a Whirl by 'Dr. Sue' (a.k.a. Vickie Gunther)
Look at me, look at me, look at me now! You could do what I do if you only knew how.
I study the scriptures one hour each day; I bake, I upholster, I scrub, and I pray.
I always keep all the commandments completely; I speak to my little ones gently and sweetly.
I help in their classrooms! I sew all they wear! I drive them to practice! I cut all their hair!
I memorize names of the General Authorities; I focus on things to be done by priorities.
I play the piano! I bless with my talents! My toilets all sparkle! My checkbooks all balance!
Each week every child gets a one-on-one date; I attend all my meetings (on time! Never late!) I'm taking a class on the teachings of Paul, But that is not all! Oh, no. That is not all,
I track my bad habits 'til each is abolished; Our t-shirts are ironed! My toenails are polished! Our family home evenings are always delightful; The lessons I give are both fun and insightful.
I do genealogy faithfully, too. It's easy to do all the things that I do!
I rise each day early, refreshed and awake; I know all the names of each youth in my stake!
I read to my children! I help all my neighbors! I bless the community, too, with my labors.
I exercise and I cook menus gourmet; My visiting teaching is done the first day!
I also go do it for someone who missed hers. It's the least I can do for my cherished ward sisters. I chart resolutions and check off each goal; I seek each "lost lamb" on my Primary roll.
I can home-grown produce each summer and fall. But that is not all! Oh, no. That is not all,
I write in my journal! I sing in the choir! Each day, I write "thank yous" to those I admire.
My sons were all Eagles when they were fourteen! My kids get straight A's! And their bedrooms are clean!
I have a home business to help make some money; I always look beautifully groomed for my honey.
I go to the temple at least once a week; I change the car's tires! I fix the sink's leak!
I grind my own wheat and I bake all our bread; I have all our meals planned out six months ahead.
I make sure I rotate our two-years' supply; My shopping for Christmas is done by July!
These things are not hard; 'tis good if you do them; You can if you try! Just set goals and pursue them!
It's easy to do all the things that I do! If you plan and work smart, you can do them all, too!
It's easy!" she said and then she dropped dead.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Office Quiz
Here are my results:
Dunder Mifflin Personality Quiz
You scored as a Jim Halpert
Congratulations, you're Jim! How'd you get to be so awesome?
Jim Halpert
Toby Flenderson
Karen Fillipelli
Michael Scott
Pam Beesly
Dwight Schrute
Creed Bratton
Ryan Howard
Andy Bernard
Angela Martin
Kevin Malone
Kelly Kapoor
Meredith Palmer
Jan Levinson
Friday, October 19, 2007
Kindergarten Halloween party, etc
Much to the chagrin of my husband, I also dressed up. I was Dora the Explorer. Luckily, I already have the poofy brown hair and a pink shirt, so the rest was easy!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Update on Jenna
Since then we've had a hard time keeping her still. She's dancing and jumping and singing and talking! She wanted to go to Heston's house yesterday to play! I think she's always had such a sore throat, that this seems normal to her. Her only complaint is a sore on her lip where it looks like she got pinched during surgery.
Yesterday she was trying to talk me into letting her go to school today, which didn't work. Today she tried a new approach and said, "Mom, I think I'd like to try school tomorrow without tonsils."
Nice try!
If she were older, she'd be begging to stay home longer!
Anyway, thanks for every one's help and visits and Popsicles! Thanks to those who have been entertaining Aubrey, too. That is the biggest help of all!
Have a great day!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Part 2
I was also touched that the Spirit already had me thinking along these lines. I am excited for the opportunity to study conference again so quickly and remember the many many things that effected me.
One that I forgot to mention earlier was Joseph B Wirthlin's talk about love and charity. It was so touching to see him working so hard just to stay standing. I knew his message must be important for us to hear if he struggled so hard to stay and finish it! Even more moving was to see his fellow apostle, Elder Nelson literally holding him up by the belt and arm so he could finish! They were a visual aide for his message.
"That is an example of the pure love of Christ. Sometimes the greatest love is not found in the dramatic scenes that poets and writers immortalize. Often, the greatest manifestations of love are the simple acts of kindness and caring we extend to those we meet along the path of life.
"Love is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the pathway of discipleship. It comforts, counsels, cures, and consoles. It leads us through valleys of darkness and through the veil of death. In the end love leads us to the glory and grandeur of eternal life."
Take a few minutes and re-read your favorite talk today!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sister Beck, the general RS President, gave two talks that moved me to action. At women's conference her talk made me want to work so much harder as a wife, mother, woman and as a member of a RS presidency! She just says it like it is and she makes no apologies for beliefs that might not be what the world likes. Go re-read her talks!
Another part that stood out to me was Pres Eyring talking about writing down the ways that God blesses our lives every day, so when we look back, we will remember.
"“O remember, remember,” Book of Mormon prophets often implored.1 My point is to urge you to find ways to recognize and remember God’s kindness."
I am not a great journal keeper, so I try to do some of that here and will try to do better.
I am so blessed to have a wonderful family, to have come from a wonderful family, to have married into a wonderful family, and to have an amazing family of friends I have gathered along the way. From Alyssa in elementary school, the BT and others in high school, to amazing friends and roommates from Snow, to my awesome friends in our ward, I am so richly blessed. I am not always great at keeping in touch, but know that I think of, worry about, and pray for you often.
That's the blessing I'm counting at the moment. There's a lot to count there!
Tooth news
Told you it was random!
Friday, October 5, 2007
new pics below
Lydia's amazing tongue
If I knew you were coming...
In an effort to remind my brain how to learn, I am taking a cake decorating class through our local community ed program. In my family we LOVE birthdays, so I figured this was something I could use in the future and possibly save money, too.
It has been so fun, and our teacher is very sweet! There are also very nice ladies in the class, so it makes for a fun Thursday evening, even if I miss all of my favorite shows. Ü
The first week we learned how to prepare and frost a cake- without getting crumbs in the frosting. I can be harder than you think! We also learned a technique to use a paper towel and a fondant spreader to smooth out the frosting. You can see the results below. Jenna wasn't fooled at all. Her first comment was, "Wow, Mom! It looks like a paper towel!" Nothing gets by her!
Next came the chocolate butter cream frosting. I used a giant tip called a cake froster, which was much faster, easier, and better looking than just a spatula. I also think the consistency of my frosting is improving! OK, the blog monster just ate that picture. I still don't quite know what I'm doing here. If you know how to retrieve a deleted picture, let me know.
Here is my impressive Basket Weave cake. (ha ha ha) It actually turned out better than I thought it would and it was so fun to do! I did the vertical lines in a light purple and the rest is chocolate. I also did a rope border along the top and bottom of the cake. I was so proud of me!
Since this is to be my mom's birthday cake, I added light purple rosettes to hold some candles and some stars and dots to fill in the top. Hopefully I will be able to continue to improve. I knew I had done well when Jenna said, "Mom, it looks like a flower basket!" Yeah me!
By the way, stop by my house on Fridays- I always have cake to share!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Long time no blog...
Tim was gone part of last week for the muzzle-loader hunt. No deer this year. It was kind of crazy with the girls by myself for a few days. I fell off the No-more-Diet-Coke wagon! I am SOOO glad I have a wonderful, helpful husband!
Jenna and Aubrey have been taking tumbling at the high school and I have been taking a cake decorating class. I have pictures of both that I will post later. I take pictures of each cake so I can (hopefully) see some improvement.
Jenna is doing well in kindergarten! She is improving her reading and handwriting very quickly. Her teacher is so sweet! Jenna is also looking forward to getting her tonsils out on Oct 16th. In preparation for this, I took the girls to tour the new IHC hospital in Murray last Friday. It was very interesting to get to see the operating rooms, PT department, transplant room, recovery, and many other behind-the-scenes things. I wasn't sure the girls would like it, but the are STILL talking about it! I think Jenna was glad to see that there wasn't anything scary or weird, just tools, lights, a bed, etc.
She was so impressed by the whole thing that she told us, "Every time I think about that beautiful building, I just can't take my mind off it!" (She's going to win an Oscar some day!)
Aubrey is as energetic as ever! She likes to work on her 'homework' at the table while Jenna does hers. She so admires Jenna! She is always trying to do what Jenna does. They are best friends, even when they fight like crazy! Aubrey is so helpful and wants to be doing what Mom and Dad are.
Speaking of Dad, she has this new habit of calling him Tim. She was saying the prayer after family night on Monday and she asked Heavenly Father to bless "Tim, Mommy, Jenna, Aubrey, and Lydia." Too funny!
Lydia is still an angel! She is sitting up on her own much better! She has stopped gagging when given baby food. Her smiles and giggles keep us all entertained!
Well, I just saw the time and need to run. Have a wonderful week!
Also, check out the link labeled 'Hill's recipe blog' and leave a contribution from your kitchen. I have the brown sugar chicken cooking as we speak.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Deperate Times...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wild West Jordan Park
We went to a fun park with Kat and her kids last week- Wild West Jordan park. Here is what we found!
Can you fin the kids on the porch?
Aubrey and Zach played so cute together!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Six months already



First shot at the tooth fairy
Here's Jenna's new smile.
Here's the note she got.
We are experiencing technical difficulties. The pics might have to wait...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Ward Party
We had an awesome ward party last night! It was officially called a dutch oven cook off & dessert contest sponsored by the Elder's Quorum and Relief Society. In other words, my sweet husband was at the mercy of my party-planning fetish.
We had an amazing turn-out! I lost track at 120 people as I was counting. We had 40 families represented, which is unheard of in our ward. (some Sundays we are around 60 people when church starts.)
We have wonderful neighbors and it was so fun to enjoy so many of them at once!
Hopefully the you can see the slide show and see how much fun we had!
Thanks to all who participated, and especially Kim & Lisa for all the phone calls to the ward members. Thanks also to Jill Arveseth as well as the Brighton Pointe Ward- their ward parties were the inspiration for this one.