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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Recital night

The girls have had a great time taking dance since January from Becky's School of Dance. They had a recital last Thursday at the high school.
Some of Jenna's class- The Little Mermaids
Some of Aubrey's class- they dance to "Only You"
We had a great cheering section: Aunt Kat, Zachary, Uncle Greg &Aunt Kelly(thanks for the cute suckers!), Papa Gary, Grandma Barb, Colleen, Daphne (thanks for the beautiful flowers!), Madison & Cassidy. Thanks also to the Lunches for keeping Lydia, who would not have allowed us to watch the recital!This time we opted for rag curlers for Aubrey's hair instead of the curling iron & it was SOOO much better all around! Faster, more even, stayed forever & looked great! This is right before we took them out so she had slept in them, been to the park in them, and played the rest of an afternoon, so they were a bit worse for the wear, but her hair was super curly!

1 comment:

d.r. gib said...

They did such a great job! Super cute, and they seemed to remember the dances the best out of all the other kids in their classes.


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