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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Like a kid in a convenience store...

So, the baby really wanted a Dunford donut this morning (aka a gas station donut). After we dropped kids off at school, I took Lydia to the gas station to get one. I don't think she has ever been inside a gas station before. I also never realized that basically everything in convenience store is junk food. She walked up and down the aisles going "Wow. Look Mom!" She so wanted to try all these treats that were beckoning her at her eye level. I don't think we can ever go back- I don't think she'll have any restraint if I tempt her that way again!


Em said...

My baby really wanted those doughnuts too. I went to Albertson's for some 'milk' and came home with 6 Dunford doughnuts! They are the BEST!!!

How did the Ultrasound go today? I have an ultrasound Friday, and hopefully the baby will cooperate so we can't find out what it is!

d.r. gib said...

You should go straight to the factory, the are fresh and you won't get lost in isles of other junk!


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