We decided it was a good time for a little family getaway, so we headed south for the weekend. Because of lovely construction, I-15 was a mess, so we took the scenic route and followed Redwood Road along the west side of Utah Lake. Here are some pictures Jenna took of Lincoln Point for the Reflections contest. It was a beautiful day and such a nice drive!

We got back on the freeway at
Santaquin and we were back up to speed. We continued south until we got to Scipio where we headed up over the mountain. I should have taken some pictures here. It was beautiful! I can't even count the times I have driven past Scipio on my way to St George and never had a clue that such beautiful land was right there!
Anyway, we kept going and went through Aurora on our way to Richfield. The girls kept asking if this was Richfield and how long it would be until we got there. We weren't 100% sure where we were going, so it was a bit of adventure for everyone. When we got to our hotel in Richfield the girls were so excited. Aubrey thought we had moved there and was wondering how we would get daddy's car there! Once inside our hotel room she looked out the window and saw a vinyl fence and told Tim, "Look, Dad. The fence is white. You won't even have to paint!" Move-in ready!
We had a nice relaxing evening with dinner at JB's- thrilling!-and then went to visit Tim's college roommate, Garrett, and his family. The girls had a great time playing with those cute kids and we headed back to the hotel for some swimming. Aubrey asked if we could go back to our apartment yet. She wasn't convinced we weren't moving!
The next morning I went and checked out Curves and then we headed out for more exploring. We found Annabella, Glenwood, Monroe, and Elsinore. While at a park in Annabella, a lady said we should go to the pumpkin patch in Elsinore. She said you just drive into town and go a few streets down and see the sign. You gotta love small towns!

We eventually found the pumpkin patch and had a great time! You ride on a trailer behind a tractor and they haul you out into the field. We got to choose our own pumpkins, gourds and squash.
Lydia calls all things produce 'apples' so she was busy yelling "Apple, apple"for a long time. We did finally get her to say "pumpkin" a few times.

We put the girls and the pumpkins back on the wagon and asked the guy how much we owed him. He told us $3 and I about fell over. I wish I would have grabbed a few big ones! I was expecting to pay $.25 a pound for these!

Jenna posed the pumpkins and took this picture for Reflections, too.

Here she is with her spoils!
We had so much fun on our little trip! We came home through Sanpete and saw Grandma and Grandpa, so the trip was complete. The girls we so good, especially considering how long we had them cooped up in the car.
Maybe someday I'll tell you why we chose Richfield...