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Friday, January 13, 2012

The Nativity Calendar

Trendy Advent calendars are all over the internet these days- or they were last month, anyway. I'm sticking to something more classic and nostalgic.

This is the Advent calendar that hangs in our home throughout December. (Mom, I left it up through Epiphany, too, just for you.)

It is just like the Advent calendar that hangs in my parents' house and has for as long as I can remember. Some of aunts have it, some of my cousins, and all of my sisters, too. We have made them as an activity during wedding showers and I sat cutting out numbers for 7 years (give or take) for mine.

The pieces don't necessarily go in a particular order, but baby Jesus is always in the last pocket. That's the one everyone wants to do!Everyone takes turns hanging on piece a night.  I remember counting backwards at the beginning of the month to figure out the order we needed to take turns so that I would get the last pocket. My kids did the same thing this year.

I love this thing! I should probably start cutting now so I can finish calendars for each of my girls before they leave the nest!

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