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Monday, September 15, 2008

First day of school- a month ago

OK, for journaling purposes, this is better late than never.

Jenna and Aubrey both started their respective school on August 18th. Jenna is in first grade and loves it! She was so happy to see all her friends again. With year-round school her summer was only 6 weeks long, but that separation from her friends was torture! She is doing very well and loves her teacher. Jenna is an excellent reader and likes learning math.
Aubrey started her second year of preschool and is excited to have her friend Marit in her class. Their bdays are only a day apart, so that made them instant friends! She says her favorite part of preschool is everything. She loves scissor time, since I don't let her cut things very often at home. Ü
Lydia and I are enjoying our few quite hours together. Sometimes she naps the whole time, sometimes we play blocks or run errands. The first few days she wandered around the house calling Aubrey's name- that was a little sad!
We are all glad that school is in session again! I don't know how people do homeschooling. I am not diligent enough to maintain that kind of routine, so more power to ya!

1 comment:

d.r. gib said...

I am with you on the home schooling thing, plus I think it is good for both parent and child to have some time apart.

Good luck this year girls!


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